Saturday, April 9, 2011

How To Get Relief From Stress

Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense that can cause different kind of sicknesses and even death.

Finding out relief from stress/anxiety, which anyone can experience, can make a big difference in your life. Expert studies depict that stress is a leading cause of many serious health problems that even cause to death, as well as making you feel tense, worried, and always getting tired. Using the following techniques can help you effectively deal with stress. While not every method will work for everybody, make sure you apply the first one, and others that are appropriate for you.

Entrust your stress to God. When you are stress or very anxious, all you want to do is to get rid of the terrible feelings. Just pray to the great healer and comforter, and bind with God’s Word for it is the medicine given to us by the Great Physician Lord Jesus Christ (
Proverbs 4:20-22 “My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.”)

Breathing slowly and deeply is a quick way to reduce stress. When stressed, breathing automatically becomes shallower and some people even hold their breath. You can take this method further by learning to breathe in a deeper, more relaxed manner all the time and not just in stressful situations, make this a habit to improve your health. There are various health related books and classes that focus on breathing. This can help you not only reduce stress but improve your overall health, as the more oxygen you take in, the more energy your whole body has. 

Make time to have fun and relaxed. You may think that you don't have time to play but without a balance between work and fun, your stress will just keep building. Make time for simple activities that you enjoy like playing with your pet, taking a bike ride, playing your favourite hobbies (basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc.) or having coffee with a friend. Make sure you take short breaks during the day to have fun. When you return to your serious activities after a fun break, you'll have a fresh perspective and a refresh mind.

Get regular massages or relaxing types of bodywork. This proven way to help you feel better can be extremely beneficial if you make it a regular practice. Many gyms and fitness centres keep massage therapists on staff. Or you can probably locate one in your area. This is not only healthy and relaxing for your muscles, but it helps you feel refreshed both physically and emotionally. Those in relationships may want to consider learning couples massage so you can give each other regular massages with affection and tender care. Do the research and ask friends referral to find the best fitness centre in your place.

Stress relief can be easier than you think as I’ve shown you with these some effective strategies by entrusting everything to God and that to include your stress, taking some deep breaths, going for a walk, doing your favourite sports, or even petting your dog, have fun and be relaxed to get back to a positive state of mind after you have fixed the problem and overcome with stress. Then, celebrate your victory, and thank God.

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